収録時間: 52:27 | Download MP3 (38.2MB)
Aaron Patterson joins me to talk about HTTP/2, Rack and Rails.
- Request and Response - RubyKaigi 2015
- tenderlove/ds9
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Nghttp2: HTTP/2 C Library
- RFC 7540 (HTTP/2)
- Enable full concurrency when using webrick
- Rack: a Ruby Webserver Interface
- HTTP Node.js API
- Rails on Rack
- Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler
- Rebuild: 58: Close To The BABYMETAL (tenderlove)
- tenderlove/the_metal
- class Hash - Documentation for Ruby
- RubyConf 2015 - Keynote: Matz
- tenderlove/rails at rack2
- PSGI/Plack
- h2demo/Gemfile
tenderlove: Silence my phone, and watch.
miyagawa: You have to stand up every hour, right?
tenderlove: Oh yeah. Yeah.
miyagawa: (laughs) Do you stand up?
tenderlove: Yeah, I do. I'm trying to get like perfect score. I like the game system.
miyagawa: Controlled by the watch.
tenderlove: Uh-huh. Although, like, I'll be programming right, and then it will say "Hey, stand up!" And then I'll just stand up and run around, and Ebi's like "What are you doing?"
miyagawa: (laughs) That's every hour.
tenderlove: Every hour.
miyagawa: On 50th minute.
tenderlove: Yes.
miyagawa: I'm recording this on Monday after RubyKaigi. We're doing this at my hotel room near the venue of the Kaigi. And here's the guest, it is a second appearance on my show - Aaron Patterson, or tenderlove. Welcome to my show again.
tenderlove: Oh, Thank you. Thank you for having me.
miyagawa: So, yesterday you gave a talk about Rack and HTTP/2. I don't think this is the first time ever you've given this talk?
tenderlove: No. First time in Japanese.