収録時間: 1:38:59 | Download MP3 (71.7MB)
Kazuho Okui さん、Hakuro Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、WWDC 2015, OS X El Capitan, Metal, iOS 9, Swift などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Rebuild: 95: Xcode by Microsoft (N, naan)
- WWDC 2015 - Videos - Apple Developer
- Apple — OS X El Capitan
- Apple - OS X El Capitan 日本語ページ
- @kidayasuo: OS X El Capitan の日本語入力、すごいです。
- Apple’s Metal API Comes to OS X Desktops
- Vulkan
- WWDC 2015 - Platforms State of the Union
- WWDC 2015 - What's New in Web Development
- CSS Scroll Snap Points Module Level 1
- Scrolljacking and Accessibility: Are we Breaking the Web?
- Rootless feature IS in OS X 10.11, and it disallows modifying system files
- WWDC 2015 - Introducing Safari View Controller
- Safari 9.0
- iOS 9 lets app developers make ad blockers for Safari
- iOS 9 Search and Universal Links – MacStories
- Apple’s iPad Multitasking Powers Hint At iPad Pro And Beyond
- App Thinning (iOS, watchOS)
- LLVM Bitcode File Format
- Daring Fireball: Move to iOS
- Smart Switch: Data Transfer for your Devices | Samsung
- Swift 2.0 - Swift Blog
- @clattner_llvm: "throw" in swift has performance cost similar to 'return'
- The Power of Swift · objc.io
- The C++14 Standard