収録時間: 1:17:09 | Download MP3 (56.0MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さん、Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、WWDC について話しました。
Show Notes
- WWDC - Apple Developer
- Apple says native watch SDK preview coming at WWDC
- Take Me There
- Redesigning Overcast’s Apple Watch app – Marco.org
- Rebuild: Aftershow 89: Apple Watch Ruined My Date (N, naan)
- Google Noto Fonts
- Google I/O 2015
- PCalc brings its calculator app to Apple Watch
- Apple Replaces Problematic 'Discoveryd' Process With mDNSresponder in 10.10.4 Beta 4
- Swift - Overview - Apple Developer
- Google updates Chrome browser to intelligently pause Flash animations