収録時間: 2:13:48 | Download MP3 (96.8MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さん、Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、AirPods, Macbook Pro, Swift 3, USB-C, Google 翻訳、大統領選などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Apple delays AirPods launch
- How to check an API is available in Swift for iOS and macOS
- Yammer iOS App ported to Swift 3
- Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — The new Macbook Pro
- On the road with the 13-inch MacBook Pro
- USB-C and Thunderbolt 3: Here's everything you need to know
- What did the SD card ever do to Apple?
- Philip Schiller talks computers, touchscreens and voice on the new MacBook Pro
- Google to OEMs: Don’t use Qualcomm Quick Charge; USB-PD is the future
- Apple Drops Prices of 4K and 5K LG Displays by 25 Percent
- Synergy - Mouse and keyboard sharing software
- Tim Cook on iPad Pro: 'Why would you buy a PC anymore?'
- 「Google翻訳」にニューラルネット機械翻訳技術を採用
- A Neural Network for Machine Translation, at Production Scale
- 機械翻訳と意味
- 「Love trumps hate」を「トランプ嫌い!」
- Clinton's Popular-Vote Lead Is Going to Get a Lot Bigger
- Maryland sidesteps electoral college
- After a Fraught Election, Questions Over the Impact of a Balky Voting Process
- 米連邦最高裁の未来は? スカリア判事死去で政治駆け引き
- California Proposition 64, Marijuana Legalization
- greatagain.gov
- Trump: The Art of the Deal
- How the White House will hand over social media accounts to Clinton or Trump
- ピーター・ティール氏、トランプ次期大統領の政権移行チームに正式参加
- Yes California Independence Campaign
- Jesusland map
- Donald Trump pulling colored flags from his nose
- JavaScriptはキリスト教だった……!?