収録時間: 2:34:28 | Download MP3 (74.6MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さんをゲストに迎えて、ハロウィン、Macbook Pro, Pixel, CarPlay, プロトコル、将棋などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Death of Yoshihiro Hattori
- Halloween 1:1s are the best 1:1s...
- MacBook Pro - Apple
- NSTouchBar - AppKit
- macOS Human Interface Guidelines: About the Touch Bar
- Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation
- All the places a DJ might actually need to use the new Apple Touch Bar
- 中村氏のmiyagawaさんで蕎麦切ってる
- The new Macbook Pro
- Apple’s new Intel driven MacBook Pros have a secondary ARM processor that runs Touch ID and security
- Having fun with Touch ID and the Touch Bar in 1Password
- Apple Says It's Out of the Standalone Display Business
- Google acknowledges lens flare issues on Pixel, working on a fix to be released
- Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Google Pixel Review
- Galaxy Note 7 owners in South Korea will be able to upgrade to Note 8 or Galaxy S8 for half price
- CarPlay - Available Models
- Confused by Suica on Apple Pay? Here's JR East's "simple" 700-step guide
- 三浦弘行九段のソフト不正疑惑の時系列まとめ記事