収録時間: 59:21 | Download MP3 (43.2MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さん、Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、Twitter, VPN, The Interview, 中国語、Podcasting などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- 電王戦リベンジマッチ
- Twitter skips most of 2015, locks users out of Android app
- If you're using YYYY in your JVM service or %G in anything, fix it now | Hacker News
- ISO week date
- Gmail Now Even More Inaccessible In China
- Black Books (TV Series 2000-2004) - IMDb
- The Interview Movie
- 町山智浩 金正恩暗殺映画 ザ・インタビュー公開中止騒動の真相を語る
- "The Interview" Brings In $15 Million on Web - NYTimes.com
- Politician's fingerprint 'cloned from photos' by hacker
- Lockpick Set: Amazon.com
- The inside story of how an Idaho toddler shot his mom at Wal-Mart
- Wireless charging mat at Starbucks
- This is the Motorola Turbo Charger
- How I Learn Chinese - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
- Mark Zuckerberg Speaking Chinese: Brave, Foolish, or Both? - The Atlantic
- Do most Chinese in San Francisco speak Mandarin or Cantonese Chinese?
- だんごゆっけの平和な話: #011 - どこまでがコロッケ?
- Rebuild Supporter ★
- Podcasting Setup 2015 January - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog