収録時間: 59:48 | Download MP3 (43.5MB)
Hajime Morrita さんをゲストに迎えて、WebKit, Chrome, WebView, リファクタリング, Rx などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- PushBullet Rebuild channel
- steps to phantasien
- WebKit Quest
- Blink - The Chromium Projects
- WebComponents.org
- Shadow DOM 101 - HTML5 Rocks
- Service Workers
- A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache - HTML5 Rocks
- Google Gears
- Background Pages - Google Chrome
- Safari Push Notifications - Apple Developer
- Android 4.4+ KitKat ships without browser app. OEMs have to license Chrome or build their own
- Lollipop unwrapped: Chromium WebView will update via Google Play
- WKWebView Class Reference
- Link Bubble - mobile browsing done right
- Javelin browser
- 書類仕事を追いかけて
- Inside Google's culture of relentless self-surveying
- リファクタリング
- The reactive manifesto
- Akka
- JavaScript Promises: There and back again - HTML5 Rocks
- Finagle
- Reactive Extensions
- ReactiveX/RxJava
- ReactiveX
- ReactiveCocoa for a better world
- ReactiveX/RxAndroid
- Netflix JavaScript Talks - Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions
- #10 node.js sideshow | mozaic.fm
- Erik Meijer (@headinthebox) | Twitter