収録時間: 1:25:53 | Download MP3 (62.3MB)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Hakuro Matsudaさんをゲストに迎えて、iOS 8, Yosemite, iPad, iMac, Mac mini などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Apple announces iOS 8.1 with Camera Roll, iCloud Photo Library | TUAW
- Daring Fireball: Note to Self: It's the Storage Space, Stupid
- Fix Mac OS X Yosemite
- Alfred App - Productivity App for Mac OS X
- OS X 10.10 Yosemite: The Ars Technica Review | Ars Technica
- iCloud in 1Password 5 FAQ - 1Password for iOS Knowledge base
- Rebuild: SP2: Backspace means BS (N, naan)
- Apple - iPad - Compare iPad models
- Buy an iPad mini 2 while you still can | The Verge
- Rebuild: 23: iPad, Mavericks and Macbook Pro (Kenn Ejima, Hakuro Matsuda)
- Apple - iPad Air 2 - Performance
- Tegra K1 Next-Gen Mobile Processor | NVIDIA Tegra
- Nexus 9 - Google
- Apple introduces us to the Virtual SIM Card - Patently Apple
- Quick Thoughts: Apple SIM | Beyond Devices
- Apple - iMac with Retina 5K display
- DisplayPort - Wikipedia
- Why buy Intel's Broadwell chip, with Skylake waiting in the wings? | PCWorld
- The Retina iMac versus the Mac Pro, on paper - Marco.org
- New, improved, slower Mac Mini | ZDNet
- Rebuild: People