収録時間: 1:12:30 | Download MP3 (52.6MB)
Hakuro Matsudaさん、Seiji Honmaさんをゲストに迎えて、Gun-Do、Anker、BatteryBox、Oculus Rift、Project Morpheus、THREEsなどについて話しました。
Show Notes
- 現代のパソコンサンデー:REBUILD向けにリミックスしてみた
- パソコンサンデー 第1期OP
- Gun-Do (New Generation Remix - Rebuild Edit) by Honmax on SoundCloud
- Rebuild SP1: We're Hard At Work (@N, @naan) ★
- BatteryBox - External battery for Macbook that fits into your hand
- HyperJuice External Battery for Apple MacBook
- Review: Anker IQ 40W 5-port smart USB adapter
- Anker 40W 5ポート USB急速充電器
- Mark Zuckerberg - I'm excited to announce that we've agreed to...
- Introducing Michael Abrash, Oculus Chief Scientist | Oculus Rift
- John Carmack breaks silence on Facebook's Oculus acquisition
- White Guys Wearin' Oculus Rifts
- Oculus Rift で 初音ミク と握手をしてみた - Miku Miku Akushu
- クラインの壷 Kindle版
- Virtual Reality is going to change the world - notch.net
- Introducing Project Morpheus - PlayStation.Blog
- AMD's Revolutionary Mantle
- DirectX 12: A Major Stride for Gaming | NVIDIA Blog
- Steam Machines
- THREES - A tiny puzzle that grows on you.