収録時間: 54:20 | Download MP3 (26.5MB)
Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、Twitter, 37signals, Echofon, Facebook Paper, Flappy Bird などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- @N . Follow Badal_NEWS
- Big news by Jason Fried of Basecamp
- Twitter / dhh: Only regret is not getting ...
- A note about Writeboard
- Echofon Blog: We are acquired!
- Paper | Stories from Facebook
- This just in: Paper is the best Facebook app ever
- What was it like to help develop Paper? - Quora
- News | FiftyThree | Every Story Has A Name
- Figure 53 | David and Goliath
- Paper, by MiSoft
- Flappy Bird
- Indie smash hit 'Flappy Bird' racks up $50K per day in ad revenue
- Exclusive video: Steve Ballmer's intense, tearful goodbye to Microsoft
- Satya Nadella - Microsoft's CEO