収録時間: 2:14:00 | Download MP3 (64.8MB)
Hakuro Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、Zoom, Ryzen, MacBook, Stadia, Switch, FF7, 三体などについて話しました。
- Serious Zoom security flaw could let websites hijack Mac cameras
- Apple disables Walkie Talkie app due to vulnerability
- Google Home smart speakers let employees listen to your conversations
- Judge orders Amazon to turn over Echo recordings in double murder case
- Amazon confirms it holds on to Alexa data even if you delete audio files
- Response to Video-On Concern - Zoom Blog
- Deadly CORS when http://localhost is the origin
- AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6 Core Benchmark Leaks, Destroys Intel i7-9700K
- Discontinued 12-inch MacBook gone without a true upgrade
- MacBook Air - Apple
- Scissor-switch keyboards to return in 2019 MacBook Air, 2020 MacBook Pro
- Intel's gaming laptop prototype is a dual-screen PC with a point
- Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple
- iPhones: Apple starts shipping India-made iPhones to European markets
- Huawei savaged by Brit code review board over pisspoor dev practices
- Stadiaのリアルタイムストリーミングを実現する技術
- Smoother Streaming with BBR
- Stadia Founder's Edition
- Nintendo Switch Lite | 任天堂
- The original Nintendo Switch gets upgraded with new CPU
- Final Fantasy VII Remake - E3 2019 Trailer
- BOSE SOUNDBAR 500 ワイヤレスサウンドバー
- 三体 | 劉 慈欣, 大森 望
- 星を継ぐもの
- 手を伸ばせ、そしてコマンドを入力しろ
- デッドデッドデーモンズデデデデデストラクション(8)
- 海獣の子供
- Black Mirror
- PCエンジン mini
- A Dream Cast - Part 1