収録時間: 1:27:59 | Download MP3 (63.8MB)
Hakuro Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、Super Mario Run, Apple Watch, iPhone 7 などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- CEDEC 2016
- Carpool Karaoke
- Why Nintendo is changing its whole strategy and embracing Apple
- Apple Watch Series 2
- Apple Watch - Compare
- wena wrist
- Pokémon Go is coming to the Apple Watch
- iPhone 7 - Apple
- Daring Fireball: iPhone 7: Jet Black vs. Black
- Bokeh - Wikipedia
- The biggest winner from removing the headphone jack is Apple
- AirPods - Apple
- Courage.
- Apple’s AirPods do use Bluetooth and they don’t require an iPhone 7
- Bragi
- Apple Pay - Apple(日本)
- iPhone 7/7 PlusはFeliCa搭載 「Suica」「QUICPay」「iD」に対応
- Rebuild: 148: Life Changing Android Experience (typester)
- Samsung drops its logo from the Japanese Galaxy S6
- Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II
- What is Heterogeneous Computing? - AMD
- Rebuild: 112: Making Poor Decision (hak)
- Apple unveils its quad-core A10 Fusion chip