収録時間: 1:17:16 | Download MP3 (56.1MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さん、Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、Netflix, ズートピア、Swift, WWDC, 大統領選、Model 3 などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- New mobile.twitter.com is a fast, clean React app
- Rebuild: 139: Productivity Extremist (higepon)
- Remember The Milk for iPhone
- The Sixties - CNN.com
- American Genius - National Geographic Channel
- スティーブズ: うめ(小沢高広・妹尾朝子), 松永肇一
- Comcast buys DreamWorks Animation
- Better Call Saul – AMC
- Zootopia
- ズートピア
- What does Judy Hopps mean by token bunny? : zootopia
- AMC is considering letting people text in movie theaters
- Baseball selfie girls
- [swift-evolution] Eliminate the "T1 -> T2" syntax, require "(T1) -> T2"
- Port to Android - apple/swift
- WWDC - Apple Developer
- Apple hints at future ‘MacOS’ name change
- OS X version code-names
- Rebuild: 136: The Year of The Linux Desktop (takoratta)
- Model 3 | Tesla Motors