収録時間: 1:04:03 | Download MP3 (46.6MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さんをゲストに迎えて、ビザ、レイオフ、大統領選、YouTube, テックバブルなどについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Stale-While-Revalidate, Stale-If-Error | Fastly
- How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username
- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Confirms Layoffs With Tweet
- High-skilled visa applications hit record high
- This Fake Donald Trump Quote Has Been Retweeted More Than 15,000 Times
- Larry Lessig Isn't Giving Up On His Presidential Campaign
- Twitter layoff reactions
- 卒業のご報告
- エンジニアとして世界の最前線で働く選択肢
- The World's Highest-Paid YouTube Stars 2015
- how Japanese kill shrimp to eat
- Uber reveals plans for a giant glass HQ in San Francisco