収録時間: 1:21:52 | Download MP3 (59.4MB)
Naoki Hiroshima さんをゲストに迎えて、iPhone 6s, iOS 9, コンテンツブロック、XcodeGhost などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- iPhone 6s vs. iPhone 6: Touch ID fingerprint sensor speed
- iPhone 6S has twice as much RAM as iPhone 6
- Live Photos Composed of Separate JPG and MOV Files
- iOS 9.1
- How to use iOS 9's fancy back button
- iCloud Keychain
- Android Keystore System
- Chrome’s insane password security strategy
- Researchers discover new keychain vulnerability in OSX
- Apple Pay - Transport for London
- Move to iOS - Google Play
- Stick with Android
- Apple refunding all purchases of Peace
- Crystal will let companies pay to show you ads
- XcodeGhost
- How the CIA planned to hijack Xcode
- Nexus event on September 29 in San Francisco
- Smartphone camera shootout