収録時間: 1:45:35 | Download MP3 (76.5MB)
Hakuro Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、iPad Pro, A9X, Apple TV, iPhone 6s などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Apple Events - Special Event September 2015
- Hermès - Apple
- iPad Pro - Apple
- The iPad evolves… into the iBoard and the iMat
- Microsoft and Dell team up to put Surface tablets in your workplace
- From Products to Platforms - Stratechery by Ben Thompson
- Apple claims the new A9x faster than an intel core i5 mobile chip
- Adobe slip-up suggests iPad Pro comes with 4GB of RAM
- iPad Pro - Smart Keyboard
- Pencil Stylus for iPad & iPhone | FiftyThree
- tvOS for Developers
- Roku | Streaming TV & Media Player
- Chromecast’s secret weapon to take over your TV: HDMI-CEC
- Apple TV: Using a third-party remote control
- Are you the White House press secretary? Siri is coming for your job
- Apple TV Markup Language Reference: About TVML
- Accidental Tech Podcast: 134: Who Did It Firster?
- iPhone - Apple
- iPhone 6s - Technology
- Dark silicon - Wikipedia
- 3D Touch Will Change The Way You Use Your iPhone
- 16GB is a Bad User Experience
- First Click: Live Photos could be Apple’s most disruptive new announcement
- iPhone Upgrade Program
- JUMP! On Demand | T-Mobile
- au アップグレードプログラム