収録時間: 1:11:02 | Download MP3 (51.6MB)
まつもとゆきひろさん、Akira Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、RubyConf, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 3 などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- RubyConf | 2015
- Keynote: Matz - Ruby Conference 2015
- Keynote: Leagues of Sea and Sky - Ruby Conference 2015
- What's New in Rails 5
- Building a Ruby Project - Travis CI
- Ruby 2.3.0-preview1 Released
- Preview of New Features in Ruby 2.3.0
- Feature #11049: Enumerable#grep_v (inversed grep)
- Feature #11537: Introduce "Safe navigation operator"
- ActiveSupport’s #try might not be doing what you think it’s doing
- Magic comment ‘immutable: string’ makes Ruby 2.1’s “literal”.freeze optimization the default
- Feature #11473: Immutable String literal in Ruby 3
- Rebuild: 59: Ruby 3.0 Coming Soon (Matz)
- matz/streem
- Perl 6: role Supply
- Perl 6 Essentials - O'Reilly Media
- RubyKaigi 2015